Tips for Ordering Italian Wine

Tips for Ordering Italian Wine

Although it’s important for diners to focus on meal options, it’s equally important for them to concentrate on the wine selection (if they’re old enough, of course). If you want to be able to successfully and easily order wine in order to complete your classic Italian meal, the following suggestions can come in handy for you:

Pay Attention to Wine Regions on Restaurant Menus

When you’re looking at a wine menu at an Italian eatery, don’t expect your options to be divided up by wine varieties. Expect them instead to be divided up by wine regions. If you’re aware of this beforehand, you’ll be able to save yourself a significant amount of time, confusion and hassle.

Feel Free to Get Opinions from the Waitstaff

Don’t be afraid to ask the waitstaff for their recommendations. Chances are they’ll be able to give you some great suggestions. Be sure to ask them for recommendations that are based on the foods you’re going to be eating. If you’re planning on chowing down on a certain type of pasta, talk to your server and find out if he or she believes a specific wine will be a nice fit for it. If he or she thinks that the wine you’ve chosen won’t work well with your food, you can start over again with something brand new.

Don’t Worry About Wine Sizes

If you want to be a champion at ordering wine, throw all thoughts of size out of your head. “Small,” “medium” and “large” glasses of wine don’t exist at Italian eateries. If you make the decision to get a glass of “vino,” there’s only one size choice available to you. It’s as easy as that. Remember that “bicchiere” is the Italian term for a glass of wine. Italians also frequently use the term “calice”.

Keep Your Eyes Peeled for “Quality” Labels

If you like the idea of drinking Italian wine you can fully trust, it may be smart to pay attention to quality assurances. Italian wines that have quality assurances typically come with convenient and helpful “Denominazione di Origine” labeling. When you’re scanning the wine menu at any Italian eatery, keep your eyes peeled for “DOC” or “DOCG.”

Have Fun

Ordering Italian wine should be a relaxing thing that makes you feel good. It shouldn’t cause you any stress or anxiety. If you want to impress everyone around you with your wine ordering abilities, the best thing you can do is act confidently. Become an Italian wine ordering master by acting in a calm, cool and composed manner. You’ll fit right in when you visit Italy!